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Variable Configuration

Configuration of Neon Proxy

The following variables may be configured to customize your Neon Proxy implementation:

PRX_PERM_ACCOUNT_LIMITSets number of holder accounts / TPS to provide 100 TPS, PRX_PERM_ACCOUNT_LIMIT = 32
PRX_MINIMAL_GAS_PRICEHard set for minimum gas price to tx to mempool
PRX_OPERATOR_FEESets Operator fee as a fraction of 100%, 0.1 = 10% fee
PRX_PP_SOLANA_URLHTTP/S address of the Solana network with the main Pyth oracle contract, e.g. this Devnet address
PRX_PYTH_MAPPING_ACCOUNTSolana address of the Pyth mapping account, e.g. this Devnet address BmA9Z6FjioHJPpjT39QazZyhDRUdZy2ezwx4GiDdE2u2 as per the Pyth account data page,
PRX_UPDATE_PYTH_MAPPING_PERIOD_SECTime period to reread the Pyth mapping account
PRX_HOLDER_SIZEHolder account size. Defaults to 262,144 bytes
FAUCET_URLFor use in Devnet and Testnet: URL to the faucet service for distributing NEON tokens to the users
INDEXER_ERC20_WRAPPER_WHITELISTA comma-separated list of ERC20-for-Spl wrapped tokens for transfer (those transactions which trigger the service to allow gas-less transactions). The gas-tank looks for the first transfers of such tokens from Solana to Neon (those transfers that lead to the creation of Neon accounts).
PORTAL_BRIDGE_CONTRACTSA comma-separated list of Portal Bridge contracts
PORTAL_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELISTAn allowlist of tokens for the transfer which will trigger gas-less transactions. This set should contain "tokenChain:tokenAddress", where: tokenChain is an original token chain number in terms of Portal bridge numbers tokenAddress is the address of the token in hexadecimal lowercase form with a '0x' prefix. Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token.
ERC20_BRIDGE_CONTRACTSA comma-separated list of Common ERC20 Bridge contracts
ERC20_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELISTAn allowlist of tokens whose transfer triggers the providing of gasless transactions. Comma-separated ERC20 addresses. Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token.


PORTAL_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS & PORTAL_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST should both be specified. If either is missed, the gas tank doesn't analyze Portal Bridge transfers.

ERC20_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS & ERC20_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST should both be specified. If they are missed, the gas tank doesn't analyze common ERC20 transfers.

What next?

A full list of the parameters are available in the sample configuration.

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